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- Freya Kane
Unprotected 6 Page 9
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Page 9
My hand sped up as I lost myself in the fantasy. I could almost see River, her nipples hard and aching inside that thin t-shirt she always wore around the house and one hand inside her panties, rubbing the slick button of her clit.
My hips jerked upward, my own orgasm catching me by surprise as I coated my fingers and stomach with my release, and it took everything inside me not to scream her name as I came.
I slumped back against the cushions, spent. But over the sound of my own gasping breath, I heard the soft click of River’s bedroom door closing.
I know I shouldn’t have watched, but when something you want so badly is that close what you should do goes right out the window.
I might be a virgin, but I’m far from sheltered. I’ve seen my share of porn on the internet, and I’ve been witness to far too much live action porn over the years. Mama wasn’t exactly shy, and the men she brought home rarely were either.
Ethan’s cock definitely wasn’t the first cock I’d seen in my living room, but it was the first I’d wanted to feel inside me.
I tried to be as silent as possible when I opened that door, but he knew I was there. Nothing else could have explained why even though the TV was playing, his eyes never left the hallway that leads to my door.
The lightbulb in the hall had burned out months ago, and no one cared enough to replace it. I knew all he saw were shadows, but I’d never felt so naked in my life.
I watched through that crack in the doorway as Ethan pleasured himself, those strong hands pumping up and down that thick, hard cock. Alone in my dark bedroom, I wished they were my hands touching him.
I dipped my hand between my own legs, cupping my pussy and feeling the dampness through the thin fabric of my panties. How easy it would be for me to yank them down and walk bare-assed out into the living room, sinking to my knees and wrapping my lips around that tower of flesh?
My clit throbbed at the image, and I pushed aside the soaked fabric to stroke myself, wanting desperately to come at the same time as Ethan.
Sweat had beaded across his face, and I could almost smell the musky scent of sex and maleness. He grunted loudly, and the first spurts of semen covered his hand. I bit down on my lip to muffle my cries as my own climax rolled over me, nearly buckling my knees with the intensity.
Quickly I pushed my door shut and sank to the floor, leaning against the cheap particleboard, sticky and spent and filled with the sudden realization that I HAD to have him.
I knew it wouldn’t be easy. Not only were my seduction skills non-existent, but Ethan’s sense of decency would keep him from doing anything to take advantage of me. For the millionth time, I wondered how such a great guy had ended up having a terrible family like his.
Maybe the best plan would be to let Ethan think all those nasty rumors about me were true, at least at first. I needed to knock myself off that pedestal that Ethan had me standing on if I ever wanted him to touch me.
Dressing for sexiness wasn’t hard. My recent growth spurt meant 99% of my wardrobe was short and tight enough to be bordering on indecent. I’d splurged on a few things that fit properly, but I saved those for work. I might have just been bagging cigarettes and energy drinks at the local convenience store, but that didn’t mean I wanted to look like I was for sale out back.
Whenever I got home from a long shift, I’d take off my shirt and jeans, carefully hanging them up until I could wash them in the sink the next morning. Then I’d slip on one of the raggedy tanks that barely covered my breasts anymore and pull up a pair of shorts that were hardly more than denim underpants at this point.
Mama always scoffed at me when she saw those outfits, and I knew she was blaming me for her boyfriends' wandering eyes, but when every dime of my pathetic paychecks went to keeping us off the streets, I didn't have much money for fashion.
I usually covered my ratty outfit up with a hoodie. A castoff of one of Mama’s boyfriends a few years back, it still hung halfway down my thighs. The fabric was buttery soft after hundreds of washes, and it had become a security blanket for me, hiding my body from the endless judging stares.
If I was going to get punished anyway, I might as well enjoy the crime. With one last glance at the sweatshirt hanging on the back of my door, I walked out into the living room.
Ethan was relaxing on the couch, staring at the TV with disinterest. His eyes flickered to me and then widened when he took in what I was wearing, or rather what I wasn’t.
Steeling my courage, I sat down next to him, stretching my long brown legs across his lap like it was the most natural thing in the world.
“Comfy?” Ethan asked, his voice sounding strained.
“Very!” I replied, a perky giggle in my voice as I wiggled my feet just a little. We both turned our attention back to the TV, or at least, we pretended to.
With nothing more powerful than an old box fan to cool the trailer down, the heat was stifling, and Ethan had stripped down to a pair of basketball shorts and an undershirt the moment he got home from work. While the thick work pants he usually wore would have at least attempted to conceal the growing bulge, the thin shorts didn’t hide anything.
He was getting hard.
Slowly and deliberately, I rubbed my foot against his cock, encouraging that erection to grow. Ethan’s breath caught in his throat.
“We shouldn’t.”
I looked at Ethan and smiled, but I stayed silent for a moment. “I think we should.”
Ethan tensed at the words, and I wondered if I’d made a mistake.
“Ask me again.”
“I want thi-“ I yelped in surprise as Ethan pulled me onto his lap. I could feel every inch of his rock hard cock pressing against my center. I rocked my hips against his, and he hissed in pleasure.
“Mmmmm Ethan,” I moaned, feeling the pressure already starting to build within me. Between us, he unzipped my jeans and slid his hand inside my panties, finding my pussy slick and ready.
“Fuck River,” he growled. “I’ve wanted this for so long.”
I couldn’t help staring at the place between us where his light hand was dipping into my panties, about to penetrate that untouched, hungry place inside me.
Ethan’s fingers danced across my swollen lips before finding my clit. I gasped as he stroked that sensitive button.
“You like that?” he purred. “Just dripping for me, aren’t you. I can’t wait to slam my cock into this sweet pussy.”
“Yessssss,” I begged, grinding against his erection. “Yes, Ethan I want you to fuck me!”
One of those thick fingers slid inside me, and it was too much. My inner muscles clamped down on the invading digit, squeezing him as my orgasm slammed into me and a flood of my juices soaked the crotch of my panties.
If his fingers felt this amazing, I couldn’t even imagine what sex would feel like.
Ethan’s fingers were buried in me, pressing against my barrier, and his eyes were wide as the realization that I was a virgin hit him in the same moment as his own climax. His hips jerked upwards, his come adding to the sticky mess I had already made between us, soaking through his shorts and into mine.
I stared at him, mesmerized by how blue his eyes were, and I leaned forward and brushed my lips against his. The kiss was sweet and almost chaste, especially considered what we had just done.
Far too soon Ethan seemed to come back to himself.
He jerked back like he had been burned, yanking his hand out of my pants and pushing me off his lap and standing up, grabbing his keys off the coffee table.
A moment later, the screen door slammed, and I was alone.
A virgin.
She’s a virgin.
It shouldn’t make a difference. It’s 2018 after all. If she had fucked half the football team, it wouldn’t make what I did okay, but somehow knowing that she’d said no to all those boys lusting after her made me want to hear her say yes to me even more.
I’d almost come in my pan
ts right then the first moment.
And even more crazy, I wanted to take her bare and coat that fertile pussy with my come. I wanted to fuck a baby into her until her belly started swelling and everyone in town knew she was mine.
I don't know where I expected to go when I ran out of the trailer. Half dressed with come drying on the inside, and outside of my shorts, I looked crazed.
But I was the opposite of crazed. I'd never been surer of anything in my life.
River’s life had been shit, and she didn’t deserve any of it. She didn’t deserve to be shackled to a cruel mother who blamed her for every hardship she’d brought upon herself. She didn’t deserve the rumors that had followed her through school like a plague.
But most of all, she didn’t deserve someone like me playing at being her friend when all I really wanted was to be her hers.
I jammed my keys into the ignition and peeled out of the trailer park, her scent still swirling around me.
I ended up at work. I changed into a grungy pair of jeans that had been in my backseat for fuck knows how long. They smelled like engine grease and stale sweat, but even that couldn’t chase her musk out of my nose.
I was so fucked.
“Ray?" I yelled, my voice echoing through the half-empty bays.
“You’re here late.” I turned sharply to see my boss Ray’s smirking face staring at me. “Little jumpy today Ethan?”
I sighed, deciding not to bother with pleasantries. Ray was never anything resembling pleasant anyway. “You still wanting to rent out that apartment above the shop? I might be looking for a place.”
Ray whistled as he wandered over to his office door and pushed the dusty door open. He yanked open a drawer and dug through the messy piles of paper and engine bits that cluttered every flat surface before coming up with a set of keys.
“$200 a month and it’s yours. It ain’t much, but it’s clean.” He paused, palming the keys for a moment. “So did you finally get sick of dealing with your dad’s shit or did you get sick of sleeping on Naomi’s couch?”
I chuckled. “Little bit of both,” I replied, snatching the key from his grip.
Ray laughed, exposing his tobacco-stained teeth in his amusement. "Not too surprised there. No pussy in the world is good enough to put up with that level of crazy for too long. And when you don't even get to enjoy that pussy, not worth it." Ray pushed past me, flicking off the lights in the shop. "Lock up for me, will ya?" he threw over his shoulder as an afterthought. A moment later I heard the deep rumble of his bike as he peeled out and headed home.
I walked up the creaky stairs and unlocked the door to my new home. The apartment was even smaller than the trailer. The single bedroom had a bed with a thin queen sized mattress that looked like it had seen better days. A large sofa in a hideous green and blue plaid dominated the living room, and the kitchen was little more than a microwave and a minifridge, but Ray hadn’t lied. It was clean, and it was away from the trailer park.
I sank down on the couch, wincing as a spring jabbed into my back. Was I actually going to fuck her? The mental image of sweet River straddling my lap had my dick swelling again, but I ignored it.
She deserved so much more than someone like me.
But that didn’t stop me from wanting her.
And I knew in the end, I’d have her.
I blew it.
He’s gone.
An instant after the door slammed, I heard the tiny thumps of gravel hitting the side of the trailer as he peeled out of the driveway. I was left sprawled on the couch, my thighs sticky with both of our juices, my pussy, and my heart feeling far too empty.
I stayed huddled on that couch for what felt like hours. Breathing in the thick scent of sex that seemed to coat the room and waiting for Ethan to come through the door and finish what he started.
I woke up to the shrill beep of my alarm, a crick in my neck from sleeping sitting up. Shaking my head to get rid of the fog of sleep, I called out tentatively, “Ethan?”
Silence. He hadn’t come back.
Sighing, I forced myself off the couch and back into my bedroom. I changed clothes robotically and grabbed my keys. Eight hours of pasting a fake smile on my face while I bagged Red Bull and porno magazines was the last thing I wanted to do, but at least it would keep my mind off Ethan.
And maybe when I came home, he’d be waiting for me.
I could see the faint yellow glow filtering through the plastic blinds when I walked up the driveway that evening. The day had been a miserable loop of truckers trying to look down my shirt and my boss grabbing my ass. All I wanted was to see Ethan.
My heart sank when I opened the door and saw Mama sitting on the couch, glaring at me.
“What the fuck did you do?” she spat.
She knows! My mind screamed. But I knew Ethan wouldn’t have any reason to tell Mama what we had done.
So I tried for normal. “Hi Mama,” I said meekly, sitting down next to her and trying to do anything but think of straddling Ethan on those same cushions. “Is something wrong?”
"Yes, something's fucking wrong! Your endless whining and moping drove him away. That boy was more useful around this house than all the men I've dated put together, and you have some stupid teenage fight, and he leaves?" She thrust a crumpled note in my hand before stalking into her bedroom, slamming the door as loudly as particleboard would allow.
I glared at the door. Mama was barely civil to Ethan when he was around, but as soon as she had to face the prospect of not having her own white boy servant anymore, she missed him?
Carefully I unfolded the note to see Ethan’s handwriting scrawled across the page.
I think it’s time for me to get out on my own. This place is too crowded for four people. Thank you for giving me a place to stay.
I tried to keep my face blank, knowing that if Mama walked in and saw me crying over Ethan leaving there’d be hell to pay. With trembling fingers I folded the note and slipped it in my pocket, wanting to keep something of his even if it was just a scrap of paper.
I could find him. It was a small town, and I knew his usual haunts. I could find him, but should I?
He left.
Like every other man, he left. My pride might not have been much but it was all I had left to call my own.
Sighing, I forced myself off the couch. Mama hadn’t come back inside so she was probably on her way to the bar by now, drinking away half the wages I’d earned today.
Ethan had lived in this town his whole life, but he didn't own much. The battered leather jacket he wore when the weather turned cool wasn't slung over one of the kitchen chairs anymore, and his work boots were absent from their spot by the door.
The trailer had always barely held together. We duct taped it with shared history and misplaced family bonds. In another family, the hardships might have made Mama and me into best friends, but it took Ethan leaving to make me see just how many holes there were in this place and our life.
I opened my door, trying to ignore the peeling paint and stained carpet of the hallway. I’d always kept my space as neat as the closet-sized room allowed, so I was instantly aware when something was different. My normally smooth comforter was rumpled, the blue fabric crumpled like someone had yanked the covers back and hastily remade it. I pulled the covers back, my lips curling into an unconscious smile because I knew there was only one person who could have done it.
Hidden under my blanket was another note with Ethan’s messy handwriting.
I have to start off saying that I’m sorry. I’m sorry for NOT being sorry about what happened between us. You do deserve someone so much better than me. But I also know that you’ve had people telling you who you are and what you deserve for your whole life. I won’t be the one who makes this decision for you, but I also can’t stay here after what happened.
I’m renting the apartment above Ray’s shop for now, but that’s just temporary. I’m sick of this close-minded shithole of a town, and I know you are too. If you want to see what else is out there with me, come find me.
It’s in your hands.
Tears pricked in my eyes, blurring the words on the page. For the first time in my life, someone actually understood that just because I was born trailer trash didn’t mean I wanted to stay that for the rest of my life. I wanted to see the world outside these few square miles and go someplace where the whole town didn’t already know my history and look at me like I was just another poor girl.